2. The Cross, Predestination, and Emmett TillWithin the family of God, members of oppressed groups shouldn’t have to mount a social justice campaign in order to make their voices heard...continue reading
The Cross, Predestination, and Emmett Till
3. A Field Guide for Suffering WellOne of the interesting things about the academy is in the way Black Theologians strive to engage Hip Hop culture. While I personally don’t do so, I think this move is necessary for a few reasons. Priests and prophets in the Hebrew Bible as part of their vocation were to help God’s people remember God’s story correctly, and live it out faithfully. Unfortunately in the 21st century, “secular” corporate-driven hip hop is used as a tool to colonize children from all backgrounds. One instance was the case of a rap “artist” who made a rhyme sexualizing the lynching of Emmet Till. I believe this is where Black Liberation theology needs to intervene. - See more at: http://politicaljesus.com/2014/06/18/the-cross-predestination-and-emmett-till/#sthash.RuL4umfi.dpufOne of the interesting things about the academy is in the way Black Theologians strive to engage Hip Hop culture. While I personally don’t do so, I think this move is necessary for a few reasons. Priests and prophets in the Hebrew Bible as part of their vocation were to help God’s people remember God’s story correctly, and live it out faithfully. Unfortunately in the 21st century, “secular” corporate-driven hip hop is used as a tool to colonize children from all backgrounds. One instance was the case of a rap “artist” who made a rhyme sexualizing the lynching of Emmet Till. I believe this is where Black Liberation theology needs to intervene...continue reading
Many of us don't know what to do when we find ourselves in the spiritual desert. Because our hyper-connected culture provides everything on demand, when we don't get what we want, when we want it, we feel disoriented and cranky...continue reading4. Fearing Tragedy
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,5. A fresh start at New Life Christian Centre
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4...continue reading
This month we’re proud to highlight New Life Christian Centre as our “feature partner”. It seems like every time someone from the Forgotten Voices team visits New Life Christian Centre, we get new updates on children and families experiencing life in a new and strengthened way as a result of their contact with the church. Africa Director Remmy Hamapande visited our partnership at New Life last month. Here are a few stories he shared…continue reading
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